Have you ever wondered what a NES-era Legend of Zelda crossed with Vampire Survivors would be like?
No, we hadn't either, but it was the best idea we had for the NES Jam 2024.

  • Fight the increasing number of enemies!
  • Find power ups to perform better attacks!
  • Level up to gain strength.
  • Last as long as you can and put your name on the board of heros


KeyboardNES ControlAction
WASDD-PadMovement (Left, Up, Down, Right)
JBSecondary Attack
KAPrimary Attack
FSelectSelect Attacks


Concept: Tim

Story: RetroHetho

Programming  - 3llimist, schoydog, Tim

Art - RetroHetho , 3llimist

Music - Gordosis

Playtesting - The Monkey Parasites (i.e. Tim's children)


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OverworldHorde_Linux.zip 24 MB


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Okay, where to start. So the game is "functional", it didn't break or softlock in the time I played it... but I wouldn't have been surprised if it did. The graphics are NES-ish, but the enemies have a semi-transparent edge like they have been made in a small pixel art and then scaled up in something like GIMP which harshly clashes with the player character's sprite. The audio is a 4-second loop of booping that sounds on par to a police siren and might rival that of "Crazybus". There's no direction of objective or goal, even in the story. The one thing this feels like NES-wise is like one of those rip-off NES bible games and in that regard, this hits the feel perfectly. I'm sorry if the developers worked really hard on this, but there's a lot that needs to be improved for this to be enjoyable.